Monday, 30 March 2020

March 28th, 2020
Under or over? The great toilet paper debate

With the world in a panic and toilet paper being purchased and horded in great amounts I felt that now is the appropriate time for the time-honoured debate, should it come over the top or dangle down behind?
People, in general, feel one of two ways about the great toilet paper debate. Some could care less over the toilet paper alignment, while others have a strong preference. People with a strong preference one way or the other are often unshakable. Likely this strong feeling comes from observations made in early childhood. Due to our confirmation bias our brains insist that the way we do it is the way it should be done.  No one likes to be wrong. Some of the reasons presented can make people feel their hygiene is being attacked. Throughout history, humans have needed ways to keep hygienic. There have been many accepted ways which one may cleanse their backside.  In the 21st century all but the paper method and the bidet have fallen into disuse in most westernized cultures
When it comes to toilet paper there are 2 roll orientations, a vertical method, where the over under debate becomes somewhat less clear, and horizontal, which we will be speaking about today.
Passions run strong, with voices in hushed tones designated for taboo subjects. Surveys undertaken year after year have shown that the support of the public swings to the over orientation, with results varying from 59% to 79% of people preferring this method.
The first patent for rolled toilet paper, patent number 465,588, has a diagram that clearly illustrates the correct orientation, with paper coming up the back of the roll and over the top. There are many reasons this is the more reasonable way to hang it, and only one good reason I have heard for the under orientation.
What I feel needs to be addressed first is the issue of hygiene. We all understand that using the washroom is not a completely clean process, but I think we can all agree that we want to make it as hygienic as possible. With the toilet paper hanging down behind the roll there is significantly more chance for your fingers to contact the wall when collecting it. As soon as that has happened the wall and fingers are both potentially contaminated. How many times has this same thing happened before and when was the last time that area was cleaned? Additionally, with the over the top method there is significantly less chance of a surprise as one can observe the piece they are about to remove prior to touching it.
Over orientation also causes less need to grasp around for the loose end, again limiting potential unwashed hands contact with the wall.  This method also provides hotel and other public establishments the opportunity to fold the end of the paper over to represent the fact that it has been recently cleaned.
During researching this project, a great point for the under orientation has arisen. Toddlers and pets have less of an easy time unwinding the entire roll onto the floor, into the garbage, or, worst of all, the toilet itself.
Whether it be for hygiene, visual or practical body mechanics reasons, the over the top method is your best option, with the one exception. If Jr. or Fido likes to empty the roll you may want to consider the under method until they (hopefully) grow out of it. Perhaps this recent toilet paper shortage will underline our need for a new method of bathroom hygiene in the 21st century.


Evans. March 28 th , 2020 Under or over? The great toilet paper debate With the world in a panic and toilet paper being purchase...